Tanya's story | RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

When Tanya was forced to flee her home country, she was in a dark place. But the gardening group helped her to heal. It became her sanctuary, where she could regain her confidence and be herself again. 

I grew up on a farm, and from my earliest years, I’ve always been farming. We grew a variety of things back home. So, I love seeing things grow. I love seeing seeds going into the ground and then coming up; all those beautiful buds blooming, flowering and then producing fruits. 

But, because of what was happening in my country - the corruption, the torture, the beatings – I was forced to flee my home country and seek refuge here in the UK. 

I came here, to the UK, with no luggage. The biggest luggage I had was in my heart. The scars, the beatings, they healed. But there are some scars that you carry along with you. It was very painful. When I came to Freedom from Torture, that’s when the pain was taken away from me.  

When I first came here, when I entered the Freedom from Torture doors, I was in a very, very dark period of my life. But when I entered the building, the first thing I saw was flowers in the reception area and there were fountains of water running. It was love at first sight when I entered the reception area and saw those flowers. That alone made me feel a bit lighter. 

When I saw my therapist, the first thing I said is “I love the flowers in the reception area.” After a few sessions, he said “I know where you’d love to be.” That’s how I joined the gardening group. 

When I first joined, I was a bit nervous. I came in as a very broken person. A lot of things missing in my life. But the people I met here were like a jigsaw puzzle. Each one fitted into a piece of my life. We shared food, and we shared stories.  

We spoke the same language when we did the gardening. Although different nationalities, our stories shared the same pain. And that sharing of pain made us into one big family. 

The gardening group became my sanctuary. The real Tanya began to emerge. The one who could laugh again; the one who could crack jokes.  

The group helped me heal. It gave me self-identity. It is where my pathway to recovery began. 

The Freedom from Torture garden is a place where homes are made, friendships are created, and memories are made.  

I don’t want the gardening group to die. We want to leave a legacy, because a lot of people are going to come and need these services. I think this beautiful garden at the Chelsea Flower Show will make people aware. If it can continue to help many more survivors access these services, I would appreciate that very much. 

The Freedom from Torture gardening group uses horticultural therapy to support survivors of torture heal on their recovery to journey. Find out more about the therapy and support we provide.