Make a referral for therapy and practical help

To make a referral to our therapy services please complete the form below. 

Sadly, Freedom from Torture closed our two smallest centres in Birmingham and Newcastle at the end of January. If you are affected, find out more here.

Due to a high volume of referrals London is having a temporary pause to referrals whilst we process those that have already been referred. We will update our website on 25th March so please check back here for more information. Visit our therapy and practical help page for information on other services that may be able to assist.

Please note, this form is not for medico-legal reports (MLRs) – you can request an MLR here.

If you are experiencing problems with our online referral form, please email our referrals team who can assist you.

Make a referral

Which centre are you making the referral to?
Separated from their family?
Is this a self-referral?
Referrer details
Are you an NHS Provider?
Max length - 800 characters
Client details
Max length 255 characters
Please provide one of the following
Client knows date of birth
As date of birth is not known, please pick one of the following
Is client age disputed? defined by client
Need for interpreter
Client immigration Status
If exact day in the month is not known, please pick 1.
Max length - 800 characters.
Please provide details of client’s life prior to arriving in UK, please provide as much detail as possible about the client’s history of torture/organised violence. Please include the dates and duration, why it occurred, what happened and who it was perpetrated by.
Current Difficulties
Does the referee have a disability?
Current Risk Factors
Please provide family details, specifying whereabouts of family members and nature of relationship with client.
Please provide details of client’s social networks and activities including community, religious, educational, vocational and their level of engagement.
Other agencies
Optional Attachments
Maximum 3 files.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg bmp pdf doc docx.
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