Syrian refugees need access to specialist services

Freedom from Torture statement on arrival of resettled Syria refugees.

Susan Munroe, Chief Executive of Freedom from Torture, said:

"We welcome the arrival of the first Syrians under the government's plan to resettle 20,000 vulnerable refugees over five years. However, their trauma will not end when they reach their new home.

Many will be torture survivors and their arrival in the UK will be the start of a long, hard psychological journey, confronting and processing their traumatic experiences at the hands of a murderous government and vicious armed groups.

Refugees are likely to be extremely vulnerable when they arrive in the UK, particularly torture survivors and unaccompanied children, and may require extensive support and care services in order to achieve rehabilitation.

For thirty years Freedom from Torture has provided the specialist therapeutic support to enable torture survivors to overcome their terrible experiences of torture and abuse.

Freedom from Torture is gearing up to meet the needs of the new arrivals. We call on the government to ensure the greatest possible coordination with local government and voluntary sector agencies such as Freedom from Torture to ensure this happens as efficiently as possible.

These survivors must not be left to face the last part of their journey without the specialist support they so badly need to rebuild their lives."

For further information or to speak with Susan Munroe, please contact Kaye Stearman on 0207 697 3791 or 07767 313 105, email [email protected].