Survivors of torture in Foreign office podcast to mark Human Rights Day

Last week saw Philomene Uwamaliya of the Survivors Speak OUT network deliver a powerful, and personal, speech at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as part of a wider panel debate on the direction of the UK Government's torture prevention strategy. Stressing the need to put the survivor's voice at the centre of any future directives, she also called for accountability and transparency here in the UK first.

To mark UN Human Rights Day, the Foreign Office has released a podcast covering the event. In it, Survivors Speak OUT Coordinator, Kolbassia Haoussou, expands on some of Philomene's key messages and offers his own insights on what it means for him to know the UK is committed to upholding the UN Convention Against Torture, alongside further commentary from HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Nick Hardwick, and Alex Wilks, Senior Programme Lawyer at the International Bar Association Human Rights Institute.