Letter to the Prime Minister: Responding to the far-right racist riots

Dear Prime Minister,

We, the undersigned, are individuals with lived experience of the UK asylum system, as well as dedicated professionals committed to its improvement. As members of British society, we have been deeply impacted by the recent race riots instigated by far-right groups targeting Muslims, People of Colour and Migrants - particularly refugees and people seeking asylum.

The events of last week, which forced the closure of many of our workplaces and centres supporting people seeking safety have left us traumatised and fearful for the safety of our communities. Our concerns are compounded by the responsibility we feel towards those seeking asylum. Many of the protective measures currently in place for charities in our sector fall short of addressing our specific needs and safety concerns. We urge you to consider the following actions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our communities:

Key Requests:

  1. Involve Us in Tackling Root Causes: Our unique lived experiences and expertise  position us as essential partners in addressing systemic issues and creating a more welcoming and effective asylum system in the UK. We strongly urge the opportunity to meet and to discuss ways we could support drive meaningful change to achieve this goal. 

  2. Tackle Harmful Rhetoric & Centre Racial Justice in Migration Rights: Cease the use of harmful, Islamophobic and racist rhetoric aimed at people seeking asylum, which contributes to a hostile environment and incites violence by far-right groups. Lead by example by promoting messages of compassion and welcome towards those seeking safety and hold Members of Parliament who use such harmful language accountable.

  3. House People Seeking Asylum in Communities: Move away from institutional accommodation, such as hotels and hostels, which make people seeking asylum highly visible and therefore more vulnerable to mob violence. These settings cause unnecessary lasting harm and come at a significant cost to the taxpayer. Instead provide community-based accommodation.

  4. Strengthen Online Safety: The digital world has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering countless benefits but also significant risks. While the government’s efforts through initiatives like the Online Safety Bill are welcome, in light of last week’s events, we urge stronger regulation of social media platforms. The internet should be a safe space for everyone, where innovation and communication can thrive without fear of harassment or harm.

The migration system is systematically flawed, and the recent riots have highlighted the urgent need for comprehensive and visionary reform. For many of us, racial justice and migration justice are inseparable.  The migration system is inherently biased, and this moment underscores the need for a shared concerted effort across society to address racism, division and polarisation that affects Muslims, Black people, People of Colour and people seeking asylum.

We urge you to consider these requests and take immediate action to support our communities and organisations during this critical time.

Yours sincerely,

Abdulrahman Bdiwi, Safe Passage
Aderonke Apata, African Rainbow Family and Manchester Migrant Solidarity
Afsana Aramesh, South London Refugee Association
Alphonsine Kabagabo, Women for Refugee Women
Angela McLeary, One Strong Voice
Anthony De Four,  Voices network
Comfort Etim, Refugee Women Connect
Dr Ibtissam Al-Farah, DEWA project, Sheffield
Fahima Zaheen, Afghan Association paiwand
Fakhriya Abdulkadir
Faustin, DRCONGO community
Ghadah Alnasseri, Imkaan
Hassan Hussain, Refugee Action
Jean-Claude Kamuanga, One Strong Voice
Jonathan Kazembe, Refugee Action
Keith Gwara,  Nottingham Forum
Kemi Ogunlana, Doctors of the World UK
Kolbassia Haoussou, Freedom From Torture
Loraine Masiya Mponela
Lydia Powell, ATLEU (Anti Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit)
Marchu Belete, Migration Exchange
Mariam Yusuf, Women Asylum Seekers Together
Menesia Keister, GCP
Mengistu Gurmu, GCP
Mohamed Khazally Tejan-Rahman, GCP and EDT
Mohamed Omar, Refugee Action
Mohammad Fouad Al Kadi, Shift Up
Nadine Tunasi, Survivor Speak Out Network
Nico Ndlovu, One Strong Voice 
Remy Duli, Kosovar Albanian Youth Against Violence
Rosemary, Basnet
Russom Gebremeskel, The Bike Project
Sepideh Sahar, One Strong Voice
Tamana Safi, Routes
Tamima Lerkins, Govan Community Project

Banner image credit: Christopher Furlong / Staff