Healing the scars of torture
Zoe Cricks is a Clinical Nurse Specialist and the new Pain Management Coordinator at Freedom from Torture.
Many people who have survived torture continue to suffer from physical as well as mental pain. Living with persistent pain that is a constant reminder of your torture and it is currently being unaddressed can really hinder your future and your quality of life. This situation is made worse because they have no access to many things that would help. It may be impacted by poor diets, no access to exercise, and no social networks. With some people, all they have is their pain. An uncomfortable bed, no heating, mouldy and damp accommodation, and very little money. It is a desperate situation which can leave many survivors living in misery.
Through medical and self-management, relaxation techniques, and movement and exercise classes, survivors can begin to improve their lives. Treating both the mental trauma and the physical pain helps rehabilitation massively.
Some of the clients are so resilient and so strong. We had two Turkish clients who saw a physio last week, which was brilliant. Both of them came along and both of them had really struggled with pain for a very long time. They got on really well, really enjoyed it and found it really useful.