Response to publication of latest migration statistics by UK Home Office

Today’s figures show, once again, how urgently Home Office decision-making is in need of reform. We respond to the latest immigration statistics.


Sonya Sceats, Chief Executive of Freedom from Torture, said:

"Today’s figures show once again how Home Office decision-making is inhumane, unacceptable and in serious need of reform.

"The length of time people are forced to wait for a decision is at a record high – over half (50%) of those applying for asylum wait six months or longer for a decision. These are life and death decisions for vulnerable people who are in limbo and facing an uncertain future. The recent reneging of the commitment to deal with asylum claims within six months earlier this year has demonstrated that the Home Office is not listening.

"Furthermore, the number of initial asylum decisions made by Home Office caseworkers that are overturned at appeal (41.8%) remains high. As well as costing the taxpayer millions, the Home Office is forcing torture survivors and other fragile people to endure the stress and uncertainty of a turbulent appeals process. The damage to peoples’ mental health and setbacks for their social integration cannot be underestimated.

"Lessons from the Windrush scandal have not been learned, and as always, vulnerable people are suffering as a result. Root and branch reform of the Home Office is long overdue."

The full report can be found here.