Give torture the green finger - Plant care instructions

Thank you so much for visiting our shop and buying a plant! With your help, we can fund gardening therapy opportunities for refugees who have survived torture.

If you would like to make an additional donation to help survivors further, please click here.   

On this page, you will find out more information about how to care for your plant!

Can’t find your plant? Any burning questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Alex the Plant Guy, our resident plant expert, who sourced the plants with passion to offer you the best choices.

Calathea (Prayer plant)

Placement: Bright but indirect sunlight.

Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist by watering little but often.  
Use distilled water, filtered water or rainwater as tab water can harm them. 
Water less in winter.

Feeding: Feed every couple of months with a balanced fertiliser.

Toxicity for pets: Non-toxic.

Chamaelobivia (Cactus, “Lincoln Happy Thoughts”)

Placement: Grow on a sunny window sill or outside on a sheltered sunny patio in the summer.

Watering: Water every 3 to 4 days in the summer. 
Allow to dry out completely in the winter.

Feeding: Feed during the growing season (March – October) with a cacti fertiliser.

Toxicity for pets: Non-toxic.

Chlorophytum (Spider plant)

Placement: Best in the shade, full or partial. Avoid strong sunlight.

Watering: Water regularly in spring and summer.

Feeding: Every month in spring and summer with a houseplant fertiliser.

Toxicity for pets: Non-toxic.

Chrysalidocarpus (Dypsis, palm tree)

Placement: Very good light, direct sunlight. Best placed near a window.

Watering: Water regularly in spring and summer, every 2 or 3 days is best.  
Water less regularly in fall and winter – 2 or 3 times a month is best.

Feeding: Liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks.  
No feeding from October to April.

Toxicity for pets: Non-toxic.

Codiaeum (Garden croton)

Placement: Bright but indirect sunlight. 

Watering: Use tepid water. Water less in winter. 
Keep soil moist from spring to autumn. 

Feeding: Every two weeks with house plant fertiliser. 

Toxicity for pets: Toxic. 


Placement: Bright, filtered or indirect light.

Watering: Water each week during spring to fall.  
Water every 2 weeks in winter.

Feeding: Monthly feeding with water-soluble fertilizer during spring and summer.  
No feeding during fall and winter.

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.


Placement: Filtered bright light in the summer. Direct light in the winter. 

Watering: Water every 10 days in spring and summer.  Water only every 4 weeks in the winter. 

Feeding: Feed 2 to 3 times a year with organic cacti fertilizer. 

Toxicity for pets: Non-toxic (but probably painful to eat).


Placement: Bright but indirect sunlight.     

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.


Placement: Luminous spot without direct sunlight.    Water every week with lukewarm water. 

Watering: Water every 10 days in the winter. 

Feeding: Slow-release fertiliser in the spring and the summer. 

Toxicity for pets: Non-toxic.


Placement: Dry, well lit position. 

Watering: Water from spring to fall only. 

Feeding: Fertilize once a year. 

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.

Monstera (Swiss cheese plant) 

Placement: Bright but indirect sunlight. 

Watering: Water every one to two weeks during spring and summer.  
Water occasionally in fall and winter.  

Feeding: Balanced fertilizer 3 or 4 times a year. 

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.

Sansevieria (Snake plant) 

Placement: Full sunlight along bright filtered light. 

Watering: Water every few weeks. Water even less in the winter. 

Feeding: Feed with a succulent fertilizer diluted to half strength monthly between spring and fall. 
No feeding in the winter. 

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.


Placement: Indirect bright light    . 

Feeding: Feed monthly from spring to fall with a water-soluble fertilizer. 

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.


Placement: Bright light, direct sunlight. Shielding during midday sun in the summer.      

Watering: Keep the soil moist from April to September. Reduce watering in fall and winter. 

Feeding: Feed in the spring time with slow-release pellets, or weekly with liquid fertilizer in the spring and summer. 

Toxicity for pets: Toxic.         
