
Our Board of Trustees is responsible for governance and strategic direction. 

The Trustees individually represent different skills and experience in clinical services, accountancy, management, fundraising, policy and audit and evaluation necessary for the setting of objectives and monitoring performance. Management of the organisation is delegated to the Chief Executive.

We are delighted that Freedom from Torture was recognised in the 2023 Board Awards - we were Highly Commended for Board with the Greatest Impact for Inclusion, and International Aid and Development Board of the Year

Board Award badges

Gareth Dunlop

Gareth Dunlop

Gareth Dunlop is a digital entrepreneur who has founded, grown and sold two agencies over a 25-year career. He writes and speaks extensively on Internet related subjects and occupies regular columns in a number of high-profile publications.  He has a particular interest in the positive role which strategically-aligned digital communications and technologies can play in the service delivery, fundraising efforts and overall operations of the organisation.

Fiona Goudie

Fiona Goudie

Fiona Goudie is a practising NHS clinical psychologist with over 30 years’ experience, and has been a mental health trust Clinical Director for the past 14 years. As Clinical Director for Strategic Development at Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, she leads a number of cross city health and social care programmes, which involve partnerships with health, social care and third sector organisations. She is currently establishing one of 12 national early implementer sites of integrated community care for people with serious mental health problems. She is a member of the Performance, Standards and Effectiveness Committee.

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson was a General Practitioner for 30 years, latterly in a Practice with a selected clientele comprised largely of asylum seekers, many of whom had been tortured. He has educational experience as a postgraduate tutor for GPs and as a GP trainer. He gained experience of organisational governance as a governor of the Pennine Care Foundation Trust and as a Lead Fundholding Practitioner. Michael has experience in clinical governance through his work as a panellist for the General Medical Council and as an assessor for the National Clinical Assessment Service. Latterly he is working as a volunteer at REACHE, as a tutor for doctors seeking asylum. The organisation helps doctors with the exams they need to take in order to practise in the UK. He is a member of the Performance, Standards and Effectiveness Committee.

Mishka Pillay

Mishka Pillay  

Mishka Pillay is a campaigns consultant in his profession, an advocate, and a writer with a focus on refugee rights and immigration detention in the UK. He has been involved in campaigns and advocacy work in these areas since 2016. He is part of the Detention Action campaigns network, a member of the One Strong Voice network, and also sits on the International Advisory Committee of the International Detention Coalition. He is a member of the Coordination Group of Detention Forum and is also a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists working group on the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. In September 2022, he was appointed as one of the Commissioners of the Independent Commission on the Integration of Refugees.  

Mishka is passionate to see a world without torture and being a part of the global anti-torture movement. He is a member of the Performance, Standards, and Effectiveness Committee. 

Rasha Obaid, Freedom from Torture trustee

Rasha Obaid

Rasha Obaid is a human right activist originally from South Yemen. Prior to completing a master’s degree in Post-war Recovery Studies at the University of York, UK, she was the head of the Women Peace and Security division at the Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights and a Women political Coordinator at the Yemeni Women National Committee. After becoming a refugee in the United Kingdom, Rasha continued her advocacy on behalf of women and girls at Amnesty International in London. Rasha has also served in various roles at the Peace Track Initiative, a Canadian non-profit founded by Yemeni women to promote the inclusion of women in the peace process to end the civil war in Yemen.

Rasha is a visiting Fellow at the Women Peace and Security Centre at the London School of Economics, and serves as a non-executive director of the London-based social enterprise, Well Grounded. Rasha is also a practicing artist, and serves as a mentor to young artists in Yemen through Goethe Institute Yemeni Cultural Network programme.

Rasha is a member of the Finance, Governance and Audit Committee.

Manny Sandhu, Freedom from Torture trustee

Manny Sandhu  

Manny Sandhu is a Corporate Treasurer and a Canadian qualified Chartered Accountant. He is skilled in developing and executing finance strategies, bank and equity financing, budgeting, forecasting and risk governance. Manny is currently Group Treasurer at Ted Baker and previously worked at PwC within the Audit and Assurance group.

Manny is Treasurer and chair of the Finance, Governance and Audit Committee at Freedom from Torture.

Philomène Uwamaliya

Philomène Uwamaliya 

Philomène Uwamaliya is a former refugee and a survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Philomène is an expert health advocate with a strong vision for Advancing the Rights and Well-Being of Asylum Seekers and Refugees, especially victims of torture and sexual violence in conflict. Philomène has been a registered mental health nurse since 2006, holds an MSc in Public Health (International Development), and is pursuing a PhD via published work.

Since 2011 Philomène has been working as a Senior Lecturer at the Liverpool John Moores University in the School of Nursing and Allied Health. Philomène is Project Lead for the Resource Hub for Professionals who support Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Migrant Populations & Humanitarian Champions Programme for Asylum Seekers, Migrant Populations. She is also a Mental Health First Aid Instructor & Suicide Prevention Trainer.

John Dunford

John Dunford

John Dunford is the Director of Engagement and Knowledge at The Churchill Fellowship. Formerly CEO at The Developer Society, a not for profit co-op digital agency exclusively working with charities, NGOs and activists, John previously worked at the Syria Campaign, Oxfam International and Greenpeace in the areas of campaigns, digital engagement, online fundraising and technical development. John is also a trustee with Concern Worldwide (UK). 

John holds an MSc with distinction in Environmental Policy from the University of Oxford and has recently completed an MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation as a Gates Scholar at the Cambridge Judge Business School where his research focused on the use of emerging technologies in humanitarian contexts.

Angela Cluff, Freedom from Torture Trustee

Angela Cluff

Angela Cluff is a fundraising consultant. She works with UK and international charities and not for profit organisations to transform fundraising performance. She has a special interest in major donor fundraising and the power of philanthropy. Before becoming a fundraiser, Angela's career was in commercial marketing, advertising, and market research. 

Her fundraising career has spanned senior roles across a range of fundraising streams and organisations, including NSPCC where she played a leading role in creating and implementing the ground-breaking FULL STOP campaign. Angela is a regular speaker at national and international fundraising conferences on a wide range of topics, is an occasional writer and was a contributor to the Commission on the Donor Experience. She is also Deputy Chair of Oxfam GB.